Sabaraikina S.M. 1
Korobkova T.S. 2
Sorokopudov V.N. 1
Sorokopudova O.A. 2
1 The Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science (Establishment of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Biological problems the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
2 The Belgorod state national research university
It is established that wild red currant berries on the stage of biological maturity contain 51,6 ± 0,1 mg /% vitamin C, berries and currants inorayonnogo kind of dark purple, contain less vitamin C - 45 ± 0,2 mg /%. The amount of vitamin C in the berries of black currant was 93 ± 0,3 mg /%. In Yakutia, the maximum amount of vitamin C found in an incomplete stage of maturity. By the time of full maturity amount of ascorbic acid is significantly reduced. One reason for the sharp decline may be the climate of Yakutia. June and July in Yakutia is characterized by high temperatures and lack of 35 C rain. The best way to store fruits and berries found a method of rapid freezing. During storage in the frozen state preservation of vitamin C is 66-88% of the initial content in fresh fruits, even after 6 months. As a result, frozen berries and fruits can be used as an additional source of biologically active substances. Of all the investigated species and cultivars of woody plants only hips were resistant to the effects of oxidative enzymes during drying and does not lose the vitamin C.