FedosovaA.N. 1
Kaledina M.V. 1
1 The Belgorod state agricultural academy by V.Y. Gorina
The main task of modern dairy industry is the creation of resource-saving technological processes and new dairy products with full use of raw milk. The concept of this work involves the processing of milk in a closed technological cycle on base of fractionation of raw milk by apple pectin with getting factions in liquid form, each of which is transformed into a finished product without a trace. This paper presents the optimal parameters of the process of fractionation of skimmed milk, when the concentrate natural casein has of dry substances 23...25%.There are developed recipes and technologies of pudding (milk & honey, vanilla, chocolate) with a mass fraction of fat of 3% based on whey-pectin fraction and smoothie berry-honey on the basis of natural concentrate of casein with a share of honey 3% and berry fillers 64% in mass of the product.