Orlovskaya T.V. 1
Ushakova L.S. 1
Marinina T.F. 1
1 Pyatigorsk Medical-Pharmaceutical Institute - branch of the SBEE HPE VolgSMU of Minzdrav of Russia
The aim of this work is to study the morphological and anatomical features of biologically active compounds, and the development of technology for the oil extract from the fruit of Calendula officinalis. A study of morphological and anatomical structure identified key diagnostic features. Established merchandising performance materials. The largest number of extractives were extracted with acetone. Fruits Calendula officinalis detected: carotenoids, organic acids, proteins, polysaccharides, fatty oil and trace amounts of alkaloids. Quantification of individual groups of biologically active compound in the fruit Calendula officinalis was: protein 25,73±0,64% (calculated as albumin), and polysaccharides - 1,49 ± 0,09%. When you select a fatty oil with petroleum ether its yield was 7,87±0,14%, and chloroform - 11,016±0,019%. Studied the fatty acid composition by GLC. With the development of technology installed oil extract optimum extraction agent, the degree of fineness of raw materials, the extraction time. These dies define the perspective of further study and recommendations concerning the use of fat oil fruits Calendula officinalis as a potential drug.