Kolesnikova L.I. 1
Protopopova N.V. 2
Marianian A .Y. 3
Vlasov B.Ya. 1
1 Scientific center of problems of family health and human reproduction of Russian Academy of medical sciences
2 Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
3 Irkutsky State Medical University
The study observed 130 pregnant women, 68 of them during gestation periodically took weak alcoholic beverages (beer, dry wine, champagne) in the amount of no more than 3 doses (about 1050 ml). Investigation of plasma 3-4 days after vaginal delivery showed that women potreblyavschih during pregnancy alcoholic drinks, unlike the control there was a sharp increase in the metabolite of lipid peroxidation, which gives the structure and function of many natural components of cells and is involved in the formation of the phenomenon endogenous intoxication. On the background of the activation of lipid peroxidation phenomena, it was found that the decrease in blood plasma levels of total antioxidant protection and vitamin A, which has progormonalnymi properties and indirectly regulates the morphogenetic potential of the fetus. In whole blood was also observed decrease in activity of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase and the concentration of reduced glutathione. A comparison of the activity of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant protection leads to the conclusion about the presence of women drinkers expressed oxidative stress, which may directly or indirectly adversely affect the development of the fetus and child.