Klimashevich A.V. 1
Nikolskiy V.I. 1
Bogonina O.V. 1
Kuvakova R.E. 1
Shabrov A.V. 1
1 Penza State University
There are much numbers classifi cations of post-burn injures of the esophagus. Most researchers distinguish some types: Depending on the depth of penetration: minimal mucosal damage, the destruction of the mucosa and submucosa, the injures of the esophagus to the muscle layer; depending on the recovery periods: acute (18 days) – effect the caustic substances, subchronic (19–25 days) – proliferation of granulation tissue, chronic (25–45 day) – reepithelialization, scarring. There is no consensus on the timing of the invasive manipulation of the injury in the literature. 443 patients were treated in the Penza’s Emergency Hospital Care of a name G.A. Zakharyina with chemical burns of the esophagus during the period from 2005 to 2008. Tactic of discreet care with soft oil bougienage used in the early stages of health care. All invasive manipulation began not earlier than 30 days from the date of injury. Percentage of scarring was 5,2 %.