Petuhova M.S 1
Rubchevskaya L.P. 1
1 Krasnoyarsk Siberian state technological university
Malus baccata widespread in Siberia: from Altay territory to Pacifi c ocean. She is obliged by the popularity of high winter hardiness and fruitfulness. The urgency of spent work consists that application of a vegetative part of a plant is limited owing to a lack of data on its chemical compound. In the presented work results of research of fat acids of lipids of the vegetative part Malus baccata are resulted. The purpose of the presented work is studying of fat acids of lipids of the vegetative part Malus baccata, is defi ned during vegetation. The obtained data shows that wood greens Malus baccata are expedient for preparing for reception from it extracts with the high maintenance of irreplaceable nonsaturated fat acids.