Byshevsky A.S. 1
Volosatov A.A. 1
Karpova I.A. 1
Tarasov D.B.,Shapovalov P.Y. 1
Shapovalova E.M. 1
Shumkova M.V. 1
1 GBOU VPO «Tyumen State Medical Academy» of the Ministry of Health of Russia
Analysis of the literature of fi ve or six decades suggests that the absence, defi ciency or excess of vitamin B12, which has an antioxydantnymi its properties, modifi es peroxydation of lipids in platelets – cells framework of ziruyuschih synthetic or depositing of factors that can trigger hyperthrombinemia, accelerate the intravascular coagulation of the blood and reduce or increase the tolerance to thrombin, that is, change the ability of the organism to respond to thrombin, as well as the impact of the, which accelerate his education. In this regard, there remains a need to continue to studytion between gemostasis and security body cobalamin, paying particular attention to the combined effects of hypovitaminosis – conditions that characterize many diseases that occur with a tendency to thrombophilia or bloodthrombosis. Especially substantially in the treatment of such diseases, which include medical complex cobalamin in combination with other vitamins.