Toshev А.D. 1
Chaplinskiy V.V. 1
Vahitov I.G. 2
1 FSBEA HPE «South-Ural state university»
2 «Children common food» Ltd.
Authors have researched physic-chemical analysis of cheese product with sea blackthorn pure have more vitamin C and nutrition energy value that origin one without dietary supplement. On based research date authors have made decides: recipe and cooking technique of cheese product with dietary supplement have been worked out. It has fixed dietary supplement was increased cheese product organoleptic figures. Worked out half-stuff chemical content has been generalized. Dietary supplement has been encouraged nutrition value, weight of experimental cheese product. Also, in storage process of one have had higher organoleptic characteristic more than the origin product. Worked out cheese product might be recommended for using to catering because it has very high nutrition value.