Marshenkulov M.A. 1
Mikitayeva I.R. 1
1 Kabardino-Balkar State Agricultural Academy V.N. Kokova
As one of the strategic sectors of the economy, grain farming has consistently attracted the interest of scientists and practitioners. The main trends of formation and functioning of the grain subcomplex in recent years, the relationship strukturoobrazubschih systems, the reasons for the low efficiency of development. Emphasizes the importance of modernization of grain subcomplex and saturation of the Russian grain market at the expense of its own production of grain and its products in dealing with food issues and food security in the Russian Federation. The structure of the grain as an organizational sub-economic system of units, which are the subjects of the production, processing, servicing and ancillary purposes, located in the relationship of purchase and sale of products, services, securities, etc., are regulated by the state through economic levers and incentives.