Butenko L.I. 1
Ligaj L.V. 1
1 Pjatigorskij filial GBOU VPO VolgGMU Minzdravsocrazvitija RF
Germinated seeds are a basis for production of many types of food. It is necessary to consider that at germination of seeds, the chemical composition changes therefore the purpose of this work is studying of a chemical composition and on its basis justification of biological activity of the food received from sprouted seeds. Results of research of fitogarmonny, polisakharidny aminokislotny and mineral structure of germinated seeds of a buckwheat, oats, barley and wheat are given in work. It is established that at germination in all seeds phytohormones which provoke chemical reactions changing structure of germinated seeds collect. Germinated seeds of grain crops are is balanced by a rich source of vitamins, microcells, polysaccharides and amino acids. Rather high maintenance of HZ And in a buckwheat, VRPS in barley, PV in oat tells about perspective their use as BAV. Barley VRPS as a source of biologically active agents, PV oat as a detoksikant, buckwheat HZ for treatment and prevention of diseases of ZhKT. Except the general positive influence on a human body, sprouts of each separate culture, incorporating a certain set of useful substances, amino acids, polysaccharides and microcells, possess specific revitalizing action and are recommended to the people.