Abdulgazina N.M. 1
Yumaguzhin F.G. 1
1 Trans-Urals branch of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Bashkir State Agrarian University»
The careful analysis has been carried out considering honey productivity bees dependance from their breed belonging, honey quality dependance from honey bees ferments, activity action determination of the catalase of rectal glands in different seasons at different bee breeds. It was revealed that honey bag contains diastase ferment which initiates the diastase number of final product, that is honey. Thus, the more diastase number of honey bag the more diastase number of produced honey is. The greatest number of honey bag is observed on Burzyan tree hollow bees – about 10,2 units Gotha, the least number is characterized for Caucasian yellow bees (about 3,3 units Gotha). The honey bees ferments influence on their utility and useful qualities has been established. In Southern Ural conditions it is Burzyan tree hollow bees which produce honey with the greatest meaning of diastase number, and they are very hardy. Honey with the least meaning of diastase number is produced by Caucasian bees, also they are not hardy, which can be explained by their impracticality to wintering long bezpoletny period. In steppe zone of the Trans-Urals in Bashkortostan the most profitable are Burzyan tree hollow bees.