Troshina M.Y. 1
Varavina L.Y. 2
Gorelik S.G. 3
Kolpinа L.V. 3
1 FSUE «VNIIZHG Rospotrebnadzor»
2 City hospital № 1
3 FGAOU VPO «Belgorod State Research University»
On the basis of studying the characteristics of railway work and its negative consequences for health, and also, given the tendency of premature aging of the population, in an article with the main requirements for the range of products of preventive nutrition workers railway professions in accordance with modern principles of optimal nutrition. Indicate negative consequences caused by improper eating habits. Substantiates the preventive role of nutrition-specific work of railwaymen. Makes recommendations on the organization of nutrition. Places emphasis on the specific requirements for the range of railway in the preparation of meat, meat products, poultry, fish, and dairy products, cereals, baked goods, breads, fruits and vegetables. The article contains tables nutritional value of fruits and vegetables and the classification of products according to fat content.