Bolshakova L.S. 1
Litvinova E.V. 2
Kuzina A.V. 1
Lisicyn A.B. 2
Chernuha I.M. 2
1 Orel State Institute of Economy and Trade
2 The Gorbatovs All-Russian Meat Research Institute
Iodine deficiency is one of the most important global health problems. The work represents the study of preventive efficiency of biologically active additives Bioiod produced by «INNBIOTEH». Bioiod produced by enzymatic iodization amino acid residues of whey protein of cow’s milk with the subsequent removal of inorganic iodine using ultrafiltration. To assess the effectiveness of preventive measures determined the concentration of iodine in urine, blood levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroxine (Т4), changes in cognitive processes (memory and attention) with the use of psychological tests. It is established that the application of Bioiod in a dose of 100 mcg, helps to normalize the values of urinary iodine has a positive influence on the state of the hypophysial-thyroid system. Iodine prophylaxis using Bioiod contributes to the improvement of cognitive functions.